Nestled into the back corner of the calm cobbled courtyard is La Galcante — part gallery, part brocante (French for second-hand shop). You can’t miss it —your nose lured by a uniquely musty, musky scent trail. It’s the aroma of centuries’ worth of ink-infused paper, well-thumbed glossy magazines and crumbling, yellowing prints.
Creak through the arched doorway and you’ll swear you’re stepping into a Woody Allen movie. The soft golden light shimmers with dust particles, and zippy notes of jazz dance in the air. The effect is hypnotic. Prepare to spend a good hour here, tumbling into this rabbit’s hole of paper paraphernalia, some of which dates back to pre-Revolutionary times.
Flip through 1950s Vogues, locate the Le Monde of your birth date, and flit from one subject to another; whether you want to research Brigitte Bardot or Latin America, there’s a file box of preciously saved information waiting for you. The past right at your dusty fingertips.
Scroll down for a virtual trip along La Galcante’s memory lane …