The cherry blossom might be traditionally emblematic of Japan, but Paris has made the beloved flowering tree its own, too — especially the ‘Prunus Kanzan’ variety, whose exuberant flowers paint the city in pops of pink in early springtime. If you’re hoping to be in Paris for prime cherry-blossom viewing, time your holiday for the […]

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If you and your family find yourself in Paris at Eastertime, you’re in for a treat — or several … Easter is when Paris truly lives up to this period’s traditional theme of rebirth and revival, with the city celebrating a new season, and all the sensorial inspiration that comes along with it. Here are […]

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This year’s blockbuster exhibition at the Musée d’Orsay is Paris 1874: Inventing Impressionism — a celebration of the 150th anniversary of the widely adored style of art. Impressionists are so beloved these days, in fact, that it’s close to impossible to imagine a time when their work wasn’t admired and acclaimed. But it took these […]

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Marie-Antoine Carême had the misfortune to be born the sixteenth child of a desperately poor Parisian family, five years before the French Revolution. At the culmination of the revolutionary period so bloodthirsty it would be called the Reign of Terror, Papa Carême walked a ten-year-old ‘Antonin’ from their shanty home on Rue du Bac to […]

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