Simone de Beauvoir

Only in Paris does the idea of ambling around a cemetery seem eerie but also quite romantic — because only in Paris is a cemetery a place of such heart-touching beauty. It’s a poignant kind of beauty, of course. Cemeteries here, as everywhere, are above all about honouring lives past. But, in a country that […]

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This week sees the reopening of Paris’s café and restaurant terraces, after a hibernation of more than half a year. That means: Paris is slowly becoming Paris once more. Of course, Paris is about the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre and Notre-Dame and the various other architectural wonders that take your breath away. But as […]

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Paris is a place that seems to lend itself perfectly to intellectual pursuits: long meanderings through museums; leafing through classic tomes while lazing in leafy, classic parks; pondering deep and meaningful thoughts as you wander the streets; penning your first novel in a Moleskine notebook (or at least scribbling an existentially anguished diary) over multiple […]

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