Month: May 2019

Today is Victory Day, which celebrates Nazi Germany’s 1945 surrender to the Allied Forces. It’s a public holiday in France, although more shops and museums tend to be open than on other national days. In keeping with the day’s theme of joyous liberation, you can spend a spontaneous day out and about, going wherever your […]

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It wasn’t too long ago that breakfast in Paris was a very beige affair — literally. Perhaps you had a croissant and a chaser of coffee, or a toasted baguette washed down with chocolat chaud … Maybe you occasionally added a dash of yellow with an omelette, or a splash of red with your strawberry […]

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Few writers are as linked to Paris as Ernest Hemingway. The city established his career, shaped and sharpened his writing style, and enhanced his appetite for life. He might have only lived in Paris for several years in the 1920s, but they were formative years, and the city stayed with him forever, as his second […]

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Labour Day in France, La Fête du Travail, is also known as La Fête du Muguet — lily of the valley being the signature bloom for today. On this much-loved public holiday, it has long been a ritual to give family and friends bouquets of this sweet bell-shaped flower, which is considered a lucky charm. […]

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