Bon Appétit

This week sees the reopening of Paris’s café and restaurant terraces, after a hibernation of more than half a year. That means: Paris is slowly becoming Paris once more. Of course, Paris is about the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre and Notre-Dame and the various other architectural wonders that take your breath away. But as […]

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France is one of the world’s leading producers of oysters, its seaside towns brimming with shacks that serve up freshly shucked delicacies from local farms. And Parisians are among the world’s most passionate consumers of oysters, that mollusc with the most seductive of reputations. Perhaps it’s because oysters have a long history of esteemed Parisians […]

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For a proudly republican country, France sure loves its traditionally religious holidays. Take, for instance, La Chandeleur — or, Candlemas — which falls on February 2nd, forty days after Christmas. Thing is, these Christian holidays are deeply embedded into the cultural fabric of France because so many go back to ancient times, being reworkings of […]

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