Haute Culture

This Saturday sees the annual festivity that is Nuit des Musées, when Europe’s museums keep their doors open for an all-night celebration of all things cultural. If you’re in Paris, it’s the perfect chance to visit some of the city’s most enchanting museums, which often close at 6pm, and see them in a new atmospheric […]

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This year’s blockbuster exhibition at the Musée d’Orsay is Paris 1874: Inventing Impressionism — a celebration of the 150th anniversary of the widely adored style of art. Impressionists are so beloved these days, in fact, that it’s close to impossible to imagine a time when their work wasn’t admired and acclaimed. But it took these […]

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It’s often called the City of Love, and for good reason: Paris inspires l’amour with its stroll-worthy riverbanks, bridges and boulevards; its restaurants and museums that warm the heart and ignite the senses; and, the general misty-eyed, la-vie-en-rose loveliness of it all. But Paris has also earned its reputation for the city of romance by […]

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The genre of Paris books — whether non-fiction studies about the City of Light, or novels set in the French capital — is an eternally popular one, and 2023 has continued to see the category expand. Below is a crème de la crème of this year’s Paris reads; whether vividly informative or seductively escapist, they […]

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