Le Guide

Paris and picnics. The two go together like … gooey brie and crusty baguette! Which also happen to be, of course, essential elements of the Parisian picnic. Along with market-fresh berries and a bottle or two of rosé, naturellement. So why is Paris such a perfect scene for picnics? It could be that picnics have […]

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Lunch and dinner cruises on the Seine used to be a cheesy kind of affair — and not of the chic fromage variety. The river’s restaurants catered for the tourist crowd, or for what they thought tourists wanted — without realising that many visitors craved a more special onboard experience, something that matched the beauty […]

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The only silver lining about not being able to travel to Paris physically is that it is surely the easiest city to visit virtually. No other place has, arguably, been as covered and celebrated in art, on the big and small screens, and, perhaps most notably of all, in literature. Fortunately, while we’ve been waiting […]

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