Le Guide

If your body resides in America or Canada, but your heart and head seem to prefer living in Paris, I might just have the perfect book recommendation for you! I wrote Paris Dreaming a while back, originally for the Australian market. Like so many women here, I swoon over all things Parisian, and French, too, […]

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Let’s get this out of the way at the outset: Paris in January is cold and wet. But hey … it’s still Paris, right?! And anyway, the chilliness means you can wear all the more layers of chic clothing. As for the rain … well, remember Midnight in Paris? A little drizzle makes Paris seem […]

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If you want to see out a year with the glitziest of bangs, or set the most beautiful scene and tone for a new one, there’s only one city in which to be! New Year’s Eve If you’re the organised type, you’ll find many great options in advance of the night … Check out which […]

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After a relatively tranquil beginning, the past Parisian decade turned out to be one of the most tumultuous of recent times. Here, some of the highs and the lows of the twenty-tens in the City of Light … 2010 The world’s most famous avenue went green for a two-day festival called Nature Capitale, designed to […]

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