Le Guide

It’s April Fool’s Day — or, as the French say, Poisson d’Avril (April Fish), where the joke is in kids sticking as many paper fish onto the backs of unsuspecting adults as possible. The origin of this long-time tradition is unclear. It could have something to do with the New Year having once begun on […]

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Behind the grand cobalt-blue coach doors of 52 rue de l’Arbre-Sec, the old Hôtel de Trudon (in the eighteenth century it belonged to the family of Cire Trudon 1643 candle fame, once the King’s official wax providers), you’ll find another portal into old-world Paris. Nestled into the back corner of the calm cobbled courtyard is […]

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There are many ways to shop in Paris. You could binge in the famous department stores, go all out along the designer strips, or track down that elusive brand of French Girl chic in the boutiques of Saint-Germain. But if you prefer a more leisurely style of retail therapy, devote a day to fossicking in […]

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‘April in Paris, this is a feeling that no one can ever reprise …’ So the song goes. Many have waxed lyrical about Paris in the springtime. As Henry Miller once noted, ‘When spring comes to Paris, the humblest mortal alive must feel that he dwells in paradise.’ And it’s true: there’s nothing like Paris […]

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