October, as you would be well aware, is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is why the Eiffel Tower lights up pink to kick off the month. (On that note: don’t forget your regular breast checks, ladies!) Pink suits Paris, surprisingly so, seeing as it’s a city of stone, subtly harmonious in its shades of greys […]
Stay & Play
The Seine from Above: Scoping Paris’s Best River Views
The height restrictions of central Paris are a key factor in the city’s harmonious charm. You see so much of the sky that you feel as though you can breathe, inhaling deeply and relaxing all the more with each exhalation — which can’t be said for most of the world’s major metropolises. One of the […]
How to Apply for a French COVID Certificate
UPDATE: Non-EU travellers can no longer apply online for a pass sanitaire and should head to a designated pharmacy as soon as possible. Have with you your passport and original vaccination certificate in paper form. Your health pass will cost €36. For more information, and an interactive map of participating pharmacies, click here. As of […]
Quiet Paris: Taking it Slow and Leisurely in the City of Light
August is traditionally the month when Paris shuts down, as locals take off to their coastal and country retreats, shuttering many shops and restaurants in their wake. While no longer the ghost town it once was at this time of year, Paris nevertheless still slows to a lazier pace in the final weeks of summer. […]