Stay & Play

The Iron Lady makes her magnificent presence known at regular intervals as you go about your Parisian day, but there are certain vantage points from where she appears at her most awe-inspiring … Square Rapp Venture past the swirling grille fence of this sweet little nook tucked behind Avenue Rapp, and you’ll score yourself a […]

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If you’re the kind of person, when in Paris, who loves nothing more than lazing about flower-filled gardens, you’re more than spoilt for choice. It’s worth making the effort, however, to venture outwards a little, to one of the most charming parks you’ll ever see. Parc de Bagatelle is situated on the western edge of […]

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You can’t go back to 1950s Paris (sigh) but you can visually transport yourself there through watching the glorious first two episodes of the second season of The Marvelous Mrs Maisel — and most of those locations can still be visited in the modern day (give or take some vintage set decoration). When Midge and […]

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In 1560, a certain Jean Nicot introduced tobacco to Catherine de Medici, raving about its various healing powers. The queen and her court were soon hooked — and the ambassador would go on to be immortalised in the word nicotine. The backstory of tobacco in France has long infused smoking with an air of nobility; […]

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