Paris Museums

Paris in the 1920s is such a glamorously evocative concept … You can’t help but think Ernest Hemingway and highballs, Josephine Baker and dances of wild abandon, Coco Chanel and beaded black party frocks, avant-garde artists and smouldering muses … And, most of all, fun — crazy-mad fun. Paris didn’t call these years les années […]

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Let’s get this out of the way at the outset: Paris in January is cold and wet. But hey … it’s still Paris, right?! And anyway, the chilliness means you can wear all the more layers of chic clothing. As for the rain … well, remember Midnight in Paris? A little drizzle makes Paris seem […]

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If you want to see out a year with the glitziest of bangs, or set the most beautiful scene and tone for a new one, there’s only one city in which to be! New Year’s Eve If you’re the organised type, you’ll find many great options in advance of the night … Check out which […]

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Paris is a place that seems to lend itself perfectly to intellectual pursuits: long meanderings through museums; leafing through classic tomes while lazing in leafy, classic parks; pondering deep and meaningful thoughts as you wander the streets; penning your first novel in a Moleskine notebook (or at least scribbling an existentially anguished diary) over multiple […]

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