Paris Museums

So you’ve packed your ‘Summer in Paris’ wardrobe (#priorities). Now it’s time to style yourself an itinerary that will make the most of every fabulous minute. Read on for your inspiration … KEY DATES 3rd June: Nuit Blanche This all-night celebration of art, which used to take place on the first Saturday of October, is […]

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These five evocative addresses provide much more than a lesson in art. By taking you into one-time private worlds, they reveal much about the inner life of some of Paris’s most celebrated artists. And they might even give you some architectural and gardening inspiration, too! Musée Bourdelle In the shadow of Tour Montparnasse, this remarkable […]

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Art Hiding in Paris (Running Press, 2022) is a brilliant, ticks-all-the-boxes book. It’s a travel guide, yes, but also a treasure hunt, a history primer, and a whimsical love letter to Paris. Not to mention a visual treat. Some books are illustrated at the expense of information, while others tell too much when they should […]

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