Place Dauphine

Paris is peppered with nooks and crannies that seem like gorgeous secrets, that make you feel as though you’ve come across a place only the lucky ones know about. But Place Dauphine surely must be at the top of that list. Perhaps it’s because so many people might easily walk right by. If you’re too […]

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‘April in Paris, chestnuts in blossom, holiday tables under the trees …’ Which is your favourite version of the classic jazz song? Thelonious Monk’s? Charlie Parker’s? Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong’s? Frank Sinatra’s? There’s a cute anecdote about how April in Paris came into being, in Art Buchwald’s book Paris. For many years, the columnist […]

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Paris has long inspired artists — painters, writers and, above all, poets. Nobody who loves beauty as much as words can fail to wax lyrical about the City of Light. Read on for a poetic Parisian tour — and to find the ideal locations for swooning over your favourite poèmes. Charles Baudelaire & Île Saint-Louis […]

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October, as you would be well aware, is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is why the Eiffel Tower lights up pink to kick off the month. (On that note: don’t forget your regular breast checks, ladies!) Pink suits Paris, surprisingly so, seeing as it’s a city of stone, subtly harmonious in its shades of greys […]

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