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If you’re in Paris in early September, you’ll notice all sorts of signs proclaiming C’est la Rentrée! ‘The return’ refers to the start of a new school year — many students have had two months off by now — as well as the getting back to work for Parisians who took off much of August. […]

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You can’t go back to 1950s Paris (sigh) but you can visually transport yourself there through watching the glorious first two episodes of the second season of The Marvelous Mrs Maisel — and most of those locations can still be visited in the modern day (give or take some vintage set decoration). When Midge and […]

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‘April in Paris, this is a feeling that no one can ever reprise …’ So the song goes. Many have waxed lyrical about Paris in the springtime. As Henry Miller once noted, ‘When spring comes to Paris, the humblest mortal alive must feel that he dwells in paradise.’ And it’s true: there’s nothing like Paris […]

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For Paris lovers, there’s never a bad time to be in the City of Light. But many of us who regularly visit Paris find that, over time, we develop a soft spot for the city in winter. While Paris at Christmastime, when it truly sparkles, needs no selling, the city also has much to offer […]

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