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Marie Antoinette — a villain to some, victim to others — is endlessly fascinating. The ghost of France’s last queen has haunted myriad books, countless hours of screen time. The latest quest to understand this much-maligned but also much-admired woman is Marie Antoinette, an eight-part television series co-produced by the BBC and Canal+. Read on […]

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All you might want for Christmas is a trip to the City of (sparkling) Light … But if you can’t get to Paris just yet, there are at least many lovely ways to bring the city to you. And to the special Francophiles in your life. Read on for a Top Ten of perfect Paris […]

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August is traditionally the month when Paris shuts down, as locals take off to their coastal and country retreats, shuttering many shops and restaurants in their wake. While no longer the ghost town it once was at this time of year, Paris nevertheless still slows to a lazier pace in the final weeks of summer. […]

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Melbourne-based comedian, writer and actress Tegan Higginbotham doesn’t just have an inner Parisienne, she can look the perfect Parisian part, too — surely few women outside of the City of Light can wear a stripy top, red lip and tousled hairstyle as well as Tegan can. Her long-time obsession with all things Parisian led her […]

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