Eiffel Tower

The Iron Lady makes her magnificent presence known at regular intervals as you go about your Parisian day, but there are certain vantage points from where she appears at her most awe-inspiring … Square Rapp Venture past the swirling grille fence of this sweet little nook tucked behind Avenue Rapp, and you’ll score yourself a […]

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Forget nuts. The best Parisian drinks come with a side serving of view, because it’s rooftop terrace season in Paris again. So if you’re in the City of Light any time soon, make space in your itinerary for one, or all, of the following bars. Hôtel Raphael Terrace Bar One of the most spectacular panoramic […]

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Ahhhh, Paris. Where you spend hours in cafés, sipping wine while reflecting on the meaning of la vie … except, of course, if you have children in tow. Not that this need be a negative, mind you, because travelling with family forces you to explore a different side of a city, and do things you […]

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‘April in Paris, this is a feeling that no one can ever reprise …’ So the song goes. Many have waxed lyrical about Paris in the springtime. As Henry Miller once noted, ‘When spring comes to Paris, the humblest mortal alive must feel that he dwells in paradise.’ And it’s true: there’s nothing like Paris […]

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