Musée Carnavalet

The Place des Vosges is one of those spots in Paris where you feel as though you can breathe that much more easily. It elicits a deep sigh of pleasure, perhaps because of the harmony of it all, the gracefulness of this serene marvel set within the Marais. Dating from the beginning of the seventeenth […]

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You might not at first connect Paris with medieval times, or the so-called Dark Ages. Paris is the City of Light, after all. Of enlightenment. The city that came of age in the grand siècle — the seventeenth century — when grand new buildings and monuments were carved from bright limestone, when the Sun King […]

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Paris has long inspired artists — painters, writers and, above all, poets. Nobody who loves beauty as much as words can fail to wax lyrical about the City of Light. Read on for a poetic Parisian tour — and to find the ideal locations for swooning over your favourite poèmes. Charles Baudelaire & Île Saint-Louis […]

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