Paris Restaurants

For a proudly republican country, France sure loves its traditionally religious holidays. Take, for instance, La Chandeleur — or, Candlemas — which falls on February 2nd, forty days after Christmas. Thing is, these Christian holidays are deeply embedded into the cultural fabric of France because so many go back to ancient times, being reworkings of […]

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Let’s get this out of the way at the outset: Paris in January is cold and wet. But hey … it’s still Paris, right?! And anyway, the chilliness means you can wear all the more layers of chic clothing. As for the rain … well, remember Midnight in Paris? A little drizzle makes Paris seem […]

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Paris is a place that seems to lend itself perfectly to intellectual pursuits: long meanderings through museums; leafing through classic tomes while lazing in leafy, classic parks; pondering deep and meaningful thoughts as you wander the streets; penning your first novel in a Moleskine notebook (or at least scribbling an existentially anguished diary) over multiple […]

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Brisbane-based illustrator Kerrie Hess has legions of fans worldwide who swoon over her creations. At once elegant and whimsical, a blend of chic inky lines and soft watercolour splashes in bonbon shades, Kerrie’s art celebrates impossibly glamorous women in dream settings — and just begs to be displayed above velvet sofas or in luxurious boudoirs. […]

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