Paris Restaurants

Paris is peppered with nooks and crannies that seem like gorgeous secrets, that make you feel as though you’ve come across a place only the lucky ones know about. But Place Dauphine surely must be at the top of that list. Perhaps it’s because so many people might easily walk right by. If you’re too […]

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You might not at first connect Paris with medieval times, or the so-called Dark Ages. Paris is the City of Light, after all. Of enlightenment. The city that came of age in the grand siècle — the seventeenth century — when grand new buildings and monuments were carved from bright limestone, when the Sun King […]

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The Easter weekend is a holiday of beloved rituals for Parisians, but it can be just as joyous for visitors. The key to getting into the spirit of the moment is to do a little advance planning. Read on for some tips … And for the most important information of all: where the Easter Bunny […]

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‘April in Paris, chestnuts in blossom, holiday tables under the trees …’ Which is your favourite version of the classic jazz song? Thelonious Monk’s? Charlie Parker’s? Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong’s? Frank Sinatra’s? There’s a cute anecdote about how April in Paris came into being, in Art Buchwald’s book Paris. For many years, the columnist […]

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